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Review and Drafting of Securities

Drafting Securities Bogotá Medellín Colombia

Verification of invoices provides valuable information about their status and serves as a warning when accounts receivable are not paid, necessitating the initiation of legal action.

To commence an executive process, a document is required that enables the debtor to be held accountable for the obligations agreed upon by the parties. This document is known as a security title and is necessary to enforce the rights incorporated within it, which has been accepted by the obligor, whether physically or electronically.

For cases where the necessary document to initiate an executive claim (invoice, promissory note, check, or bill of exchange) is not available, we take the necessary steps to create a document that meets legal requirements for legal enforcement of the obligation. This involves advancing through monitoring processes, conciliations, transactions, and agreements.

We also provide training to our clients to ensure that their documentation is well-organized and compliant with current regulations, enabling timely initiation of legal actions in the event of default by any of their clients.

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